Cryptainer PE is a program that creates virtual encrypted vaults in your drives. Using this program you will be able to create several virtual units, protected by Blowfish448 or AES256 algorithms. The program will assign a drive letter for each of the vaults, which size will be up to 25 Gb. Then, every file or folder that you copy or drop into that unit will become encrypted, they will only be accessed by people knowing the right password. Besides, Cryptainer PE will allow you to encrypt files in order to send them by email. It's capable of compressing and creating self-executable files, that you can send as attachments through your regular email client. If the recipient knows the password to open them, he or she will be able to do that. When you run the program, it will ask you for some specifications about the vault you will like to create, such as the physical destination, size, encryption algorithm, password and label. Right-clicking on any file will allow you to encrypt that file in order to send it by email. You can even set a password reminder, if you want to do so.
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